A Day on the Town Part III: At the Races
I was 18 years old cruising down 495 on my way to hockey when I came across a Red 944 Turbo skipping across the right 2 lanes. I pass the exit I was supposed to get off and instead followed the Porsche. I didn't make it to hockey.
After that day, I couldn't get the image of that car out of my head. A few months go by and I spot it on Autotrader.. Pinch me, this couldn't be happening. This car was over an hour and a half away from Ayer.
I mustered whatever I could find, I tried selling stuff, called the bank, begged for co-signers etc etc. Picked it up 2 weeks later. The 944 Turbo met it's production fate in 1991 and became the Porsche for the "every-man." Affordable for everyone, even an 18 year old kid like me. (Except when it breaks..)
The car had harnesses, a roll cage, OZ wheels etc etc. The owner was a part of the Porsche Club of America, a club that just so happens to race in Ayer several times a year on the Devens air field.
The car has long been sold and replaced a few times over, but that never stops me from heading up to the races. I've been up there watching since I was 15. Picking it as my third place to visit during my date with the town was a no-brainer especially since one of my favorite Porsche's all time drove right by me that morning. A Porsche 930.
A Porsche 930 banking a long turn just before entering the finishing stretch
The best spot in the house was at the entrance. Sometimes you get so caught up wanting to get inside that you completely miss all the obvious spots. This was a great location for photographs.
A Porsche 993 Turbo tearing around that same turn.
I eventually make my way in to the air field. On my way to the pit area, I walk along side the finishing stretch where these turbo's come screaming past.
I can't resist..
Coming down the finishing stretch and tripping the timer.
After getting permission to take a few photos in the pits, I look over and see this eager bunch ready to get their chance at the course.
A group of 911's and Boxster's waiting for their go at the course.
I had time for one more photo, and I saved it for this guy. I mentioned above that the 930 is one of my favorite Porsche's of all time, but nothing takes the cake quite like this one..
A 996 GT3 coming in after his run.
When the 996 GT3 was released back in 1999, something about it blew my top. It isn't pretty, it isn't wide like the turbo's and the interior has little to no luxury. It's just a straight track machine that you can drive to your events. The nostalgia I have of flipping through magazines back in middle school and seeing one of these on the front cover.
All these years later (for some reason or another) I've never raced a single autocross event, yet it never gets old to get up there and watch them tear it up.